Fall Centerpiece


I love to incorporate the kids art projects into decorations around the house!  This year for our fall centerpiece, I had the kids paint small wood leaves.  I got mine at Michael’s for 29 cents a piece. (LINK)

I gave the kids their art trays, paint, a brush and paper towels.

If you don’t have an art tray and have kids, then you must get one!  I use restaurant trays (LINK).  Every time we get out the playdough, paint or markers the kids get their trays.  They protect my table and keep the art supplies from rolling onto the floor.  It really helps with project clean up too! I highly recommend them.

We talked about the colors of fall leaves – red, orange, yellow, green, and brown.    For this project, we just used the regular red, yellow and green Crayola brand paint that we had.  (LINK) The kids mixed the colors on a paper plate to get the orange, army green and brown that they liked.

The creations they came up with were awesome!  The paper towel blotting gave each one a unique color and texture!

After the kids were done, I touched up around the edges where they didn’t quite get complete coverage.  Once the leaves were dry, I covered them with a quick coat of Glittery Modge Podge (on both sides).

We then filled the dough bowl with plastic pumpkins and gourds from the dollar store.  I also picked up some silk purple mums to give the centerpiece a splash of color.  I cut each flower stem to be about 2 to 3 inches long.  I placed the kids wood leaf artwork randomly throughout the display of pumpkins and gourds and then inserted the flowers in where I needed to fill some gaps.

If you don’t have a dough bowl, a tray would work or you could just stack the stuff in the center of your table or on a scrap of burlap or a fall table runner.  Another idea would be to make a wreath and incorporate the kids wood leaves.

The kids love sitting at the table showing guests which leaves they painted and telling them about the project.

If you try this, please comment with your pictures! I’d love to see your results and hear about how much your kids enjoyed this project.


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